History of Photography Series: Part One

History of Photography Series: Part One

With rapid advancements in technology ensuring greater accessibility, it’s no surprise the camera has transformed from a novelty invention to a device used in daily life. Over the years, cameras have captured reality through projection of light, film, and digital...
Most Popular Instagram Filters

Most Popular Instagram Filters

Struggling to decide which filter on Instagram to use on your new picture or looking for a go-to filter to use to give your account a specific theme? People all over the globe feel your pain! Luckily enough, studies have been conducted recently to determine the most...
3 Dependable Cameras for Amateurs Looking to Expand Their Skills

3 Dependable Cameras for Amateurs Looking to Expand Their Skills

I absolutely love the speed and accessibility of smartphones. I think the technology that has grown just around a small rectangle of metal, glass, and wires over the past decade is remarkable and has allowed for people to try on hats they normally wouldn’t try on. I...